A profile picture of Antony.

My name's Antony

I’m a Front-End Web Developer and Designer based in Quebec, Canada 🇨🇦.

A bit about me

My background varies a lot in the artistic aspects of graphic design and manipulation. I first majored in 3D animation and modeling, which I liked doing at first. However, circumstances led me back to school, and this time in Web Development.

I have always been interested and passionate by the arts of computer generated imagery and how computers work in general. Being able to make beautiful and interactive pages on the internet is what sold me on joining in the fun of web development.

Getting into this domain made me able to fulfil and express this artistic side of me while still being able to dabble with the intricate world of computers.

A modern drawing of a man sitting down with his laptop.

Tools and frameworks

Click or touch an icon to see it's description.

Windows Logo Macintosh Logo Linux Logo

HTML logo CSS logo Javascript logo NodeJS logo React logo AngularJS logo VueJS logo PHP logo Laravel logo shopify logo
An drawing of gears behind a laptop.

My expertise

I possess a diverse range of front-end development skills, encompassing commercial site integration on platforms such as Shopify, as well as feature development and maintenance for specialized web applications.

My knowledge extends to back-end operations and database management when necessary, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of full-stack integration.

Additionally, I bring expertise in UI/UX design and a suite of graphic design capabilities, including image and video editing, complemented by experience in 3D modeling.

My portfolio

  • Project card thumbnail Statera

    A Shopify storefront for a non-alcoholized drink. I worked along with a designer to integrate all of his mockups for this website.

  • Project card thumbnail Good Protein

    A Shopify storefront for a brand of flavored protein shakes. I was tasked to integrate new sections for the website and resolve visual issues.

  • Project card thumbnail Tella and Stella

    A shopify storefront for pet accessories. My task was to maintain functionalities on client purchases, product listing and language translations.

  • Project card thumbnail Design Lambert

    A shopify storefront selling feminine products. I worked on visual maintenance and integrating new features in product listing and selection.

  • Project card thumbnail Medial+

    A health and safety platform for employers to manage and track the progress of safety protocols for their workers. I was tasked in maintaining the platform as well as developing new functionalities on the front-end.

Let's talk!

Whether you have a project in mind, need expert advice, desire to hire me in your company or just want to say hello, I’m here to listen and help. Drop me a message by reaching out directly at my email, social platforms or via my phone number.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and exploring how we can create something beautiful together.

My Infos

  • antonylacerte@hotmail.com
  • Québec, QC Canada
  • +1 581 397 0774